The role of forage plants in pasture’s improvement
Strong degradation of rangeland flora requires action for its restoration as soon as possible. Continuous heavy grazing and improper management of rangelands threaten the seed bank in the soil which may vanish. These seeds are an iιnportant source for creation of high varieties with high adaptability. The low production of rangelands and the high needs of liνestock in forage necessitate their improvement. Priority must be giνen to those with great degradation. Among iιnproveιnent measures, forage plants is the most important. Annual legumes are suggested for dry-hot environments of mild and cold regions. The choice of species and varities in each environment should be promoted. Certified seeds and correct management are important factors for the successful improνement of rangelands with forage plants.
Former researcher of N.A.G.R.E.F. Fodder Crops and Pastures lnstitute, Larissa, Greece
Keywords:Rangeland, flora improvement, forage plants
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Book:SUSTAINED UTILISATION OF RANGELANDS AND PASTURES - Proceedings of the 1st Panhellenic Rangeland Congress in Drama, 6-8 November 1996 (Edited by: V. Papanastasis)