The avifauna in the pseudoalpine grasslands of Tzena – Pinovo Μountains (Greece) and conservation actions
At least 170 bird species were recorded during breeding and migration period at Tzena and Pinovo Mountains (Pella Prefecture, Macedonia, Greece). At the pseudoalpine grasslands, that cover the top of these two mountains (1800-2200 m. a.s.l.), at least 56 bird species were recorded (33% of the total bird species recorded in wider mountainous area). From these, 17 species are raptors (Accipitriformes) whose pseudoalpine grasslands are important as feeding area. The rest are passerines, certain species of which breed exclusively at the alpine rangelands. The presence of scavenging species like Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus), Aegyptian Vulture (Neoprhron percnopterus) and Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) is related to the pastoral livestock farming that take place in pseudoalpine grasslands. The decline in the number of cattle (from 80.000 in 1950s to 20.000 nowadays) is considered the main reason for the decline of the population of certain scavenging species of high conservation priority in the European Union. The promotion of traditional grazing systems, such as transportation and mobility, in combination with actions like additional food supplying by the establishment of a special feeding station is considered crucial for the maintenance of the scavengers’ population in the area.
1National Agricultural Research Foundation - Forest Research Institute, 570 06 Vassilika, Thessaloniki, Greece, Ε-mail: 2Νea Ζoi, 455 00 Ιoannina, Greece, E-mail: 338-40, Solonos Str., 152 32 Chalandri, Athens, Greece, E-mail:
Keywords:Gyps fulvus, Gypaetus barbatus, birds of prey, stockbreeding
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Book:RANGE SCIENCE AND DEVELOPMENT OF MOUNTAINOUS REGIONS - Proceedings of the 3rd Panhellenic Rangeland Congress in Karpenissi, 4-6 September 2002 (Edited by: Panagiotis D. Platis, Athanasios I. Sfougaris, Thomas G. Papachristou, Alexandrow G. Tsiontsis)