Phytosociological research of the Erica heathlands and evergreen broadleaved shrublands at the north side of Mount Cholomon
Mediterranean Erica heathlands and evergreen broadleaved shrublands consist considerably degraded communities primarily due to overgrazing and repetitive fires. A phytosociological analysis of these communities was carried out at the north side of Mount Cholomon (Chalkidiki, N. Greece) using the Braun-Blanquet method. The classification of the vegetation units was achieved through Twinspan analysis on 80 relevés and resulted in one community and one association. The evergreen broadleaved shrublands are assigned to the Quercetea (-alia) ilicis, as Arbutus unedo-Erica arborea community, and the Erica manipuliflora heathlands to the Cisto-Micromerietea julianae, as Ericetum verticillatae association. The floristic composition of the research area consist of 176 taxa comprising high number of taxa belonging to the classes Thero-Brachypodietea and Festuco-Βrometea that confirm the intense degradation.
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Forestry and Natural Environment, Laboratory of Forest Botany-Geobotany, P.O. box 270, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece.
Keywords:Syntaxonomy, vegetation, Erica manipuliflora, Chalkidiki
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Book:Dry Grasslands of Europe: Grazing and Ecosystem Services, Proceedings of 9th European Dry Grassland Meeting (EDGM) Prespa, Greece, 19-23 May 2012 © 2013 HELLENIC RANGE AND PASTURE SOCIETY (HERPAS) Edited by: Vrahnakis M., A.P. Kyriazopoulos, D. Chouvardas and G. Fotiadis