Impact of overgrazing and wildfires on forage production of rangelands in Psilorites mountain of Crete
In this paper, the combined effect of overgrazing and wildfires was studied. The research was carried out in the rangelands of Psilorites mountain in Crete during 1996-1998 and involved measurement of the above ground vegetation in 30 representative sites at the end of the growing season. In phryganic rangelands, overgrazing favoured phryganic species at the expense of the herbaceous vegetation. When it was combined with wildfires however both herbaceous and woody species were significantly reduced. In grasslands, on the contrary, overgrazing affected negatively both herbaceous and woody species because the latter were desirable to animals. It is concluded that
forage production is negatively affected by overgrazing in grasslands but in phryganic ecosystems negative effects are caused when overgrazing is combined with wildfires.
1Laboratory of Rangeland Ecology (P.O. box 286), School of Forestry and Natural Environment, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki of Thessaloniki, 541 24 Thessaloniki 2Directorate of Forest of Chania, Chrysopigi, 731 00 Chania. 3Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Alsyllion Agrokepion, 731 00 Chania.
Keywords:Live biomass, Crete, necromass, grasslands, phryganic ecosystems
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Book:RANGE SCIENCE OF XEROTHERMIC AREAS - Proceedings of the 5th Panhellenic Rangeland Congress Heraclion of Crete, 1-3 November 2006 (Edited by: Vasillios P. Papanastasis, Zoi M. Parisi)