Herbage production and number of plant species in subalpine meadows of two mountains with different geological background and soil characteristics in Northern Greece
In this study, the effect of soil macro-nutrient concentrations on herbage production and number of plant species in subalpine meadows of Jenna Mountain and Belles Mountain were investigated. In each study area, 9 sampling plots (4×4 m) were placed and herbage production was collected, and the number of plant species was recorded monthly from May to September 2011. The texture of soils was determined, and the concentrations of organic matter, total Nitrogen, Phosphorus, exchangeable potassium were measured. A total of 129 species were recorded on Mt Jenna while 161 species were recorded on Mt Belles. The average herbage production was significantly higher (p<0.05) on Mt Belles. A positive correlation between herbage production and soil N, K and OM were observed on Mt Belles while no such correlations were observed on Mt Jenna. On both mountains there was a negative correlation between the number of species and herbage production. Results from soil analysis showed that the concentrations of total N and OM were higher (p<0.05) in the 0- 10 cm depth compared to the 10-20 cm depth. Exchangeable K was higher (p<0.05) on Mt Belles, however total N was higher (p<0.05) on Mt Jenna. It seems that the climatic conditions as well as the geological background may have affected these findings.
1Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, AUTH, Greece, 2Lab. of Applied Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, AUTH, Greece 3Laboratory of Soil Science, Department of Plant Production, TEITH, Greece 4Department of Range Science, Faculty of Forestry & Natural Environment, AUTH, Greece
Λέξεις Κλειδιά:subalpine meadows, biomass, plant species, potassium, nitrogen
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Βιβλίο:Dry Grasslands of Europe: Grazing and Ecosystem Services, Proceedings of 9th European Dry Grassland Meeting (EDGM) Prespa, Greece, 19-23 May 2012 © 2013 HELLENIC RANGE AND PASTURE SOCIETY (HERPAS) Edited by: Vrahnakis M., A.P. Kyriazopoulos, D. Chouvardas and G. Fotiadis