Grazing adjustment as a restoration and conservation measure of Juniperetum excelsae silvopastoral woodlands
The priority habitat type 9562 *Grecian juniper woods (mainly Juniperus excelsa M.-Bieb.) is met in Prespa. These silvopastoral woodlands sustain characteristic floristic and ecological elements, unique in Europe, resulted from the long lasting anthropogenic influence, mostly through the implementation of extensified livestock husbandry. Recently, the habitat type appears signs of degradation due to the outspread of broadleaved woody species. The major goal of the Project LIFE JunEx (Restoration and Conservation of the Priority Habitat Type *9562) is the determination of measures to restore Grecian juniper woods. From the actions foreseen in the Project, the reintroduction of extensive grazing, after selective logging of the woody broadleaved species in a selective corridor (path) holds a prominent position. The purpose of this paper is the organization of grazing activity. It is estimated that the use of forage material in the selective corridor should be made from 744.5 sheep equivalents based on a sustainable management plan. Furthermore, the maintenance of the existing rain tank (95 m3) and the construction of a new one (115 m3) are proposed. Finally the construction of an animal shelter for housing 1000 sheep equivalents is proposed.
1Dept. of Forestry & M.N.E., T.E.I. of Thessaly, GR-43100, Karditsa, 2Dept. of Forestry & M.N.E., T.E.I. of Sterea Ellada, GR-36100, Karpenissi 3Society for the Protection of Prespa, GR-53077, Laimos 4Dept. of Forestry & M.E. & N.R., D.U. of Thrace, GR- 68200, Orestiada
Keywords:Juniperus excelsa, LIFE12 NAT/GR/000539, Prespa
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Book:Proceedings of the 8th Panhellenic Rangeland Congress, Thessaloniki, 1-3 October 2014 (Edited by: Apostolos Kyriazopoulos, Maria Karatasiou, Paraskevi Sklavou, Dimitrios Chouvardas)