Assessment of the priority habitat type *9562 Grecian juniper woods in Prespa National Park and suggestions for its restoration and conservation
The priority habitat type *9562 Grecian juniper woods (Juniperetum excelsae) (GJWs) of the National Prespa Park includes four vegetation types of different degree of conservation and perspectives. GJWs are facing pressures and threats originated from management shifts, like reduction of grazing activity and abandonment of traditional livestock husbandry and forestry practices (logging for firewood production, branch selection for animal feeding purposes, etc.). Pure stands are assessed as being in very good degree of conservation and prospects. Mixed young and mixed dense stands are in good degree of conservation, but their prospects are not favourable due to the succession to oak forest and to grasslands with sparsely distributed individuals of juniper with low regeneration potential. The study suggests several measures aiming at the holding of succession in order to restore and conserve GJWs. Measures include clearings of broadleaved tree species and gradual re-introduction of controlled grazing. Transplanting for increasing regeneration potential and clearing of dead organic material and garbage, so lowering wildfire possibilities, are also suggested.
1Dept. of Forestry & M.N.E., T.E.I. of Sterea Ellada, GR-36100, Karpenissi 2Dept. of Forestry & M.N.E., T.E.I. of Thessaly, GR-43100, Karditsa 3Greek Biotope/Wetland Centre, GR-60394, Thermi 4Society for the Protection of Prespa, GR-53077, Laimos
Keywords:Prespa, Juniperus excelsa, vegetation succession, grazing
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Book:Proceedings of the 8th Panhellenic Rangeland Congress, Thessaloniki, 1-3 October 2014 (Edited by: Apostolos Kyriazopoulos, Maria Karatasiou, Paraskevi Sklavou, Dimitrios Chouvardas)